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Spinal Surgeon turns to Colin & the McKenzie Method to treat his own back pain

II am an orthopaedic surgeon practicing in Japan, where I have my own 19 bed surgical clinic. I specialize in spinal surgery and am also a licensed “shidoui”, a teacher of younger doctors.

I met Colin Davies in 2007 when he was teaching in Japan. During the course, I was experiencing low back pain, a common occurrence for me. Attacks usually take at least 3 weeks to recover. Colin Davies assessed and treated me during the course and I was quickly able to gain control of my symptoms using the McKenzie approach. I have since continued to practice the simple exercises on a daily basis and find it most effective in helping to prevent recurrence.

I also use the McKenzie system of assessment and treatment on my many spinal patients with good effect. I intend to ensure that the McKenzie Method becomes better known in Japan.

~ Yoichi Kishikawa MD

“After one session, I now have the tools and information to maintain a healthy back while in my own home…”

As a boy of sixteen, I was diagnosed with what was then known as a slipped disc. This slowly healed with time and lay dormant for a number of years until early manhood. Since then I have had back problems that would reoccur nominally every year or so. I am an active person and these flare-ups always caught me by surprise. Trigger points were hard to define and could be as innocuous as picking up a bar of soap in the shower. Many visits to physiotherapists, chiropractors, and acupuncturists each helped somewhat in small ways but the passage of time seemed to be the only real solution.

Fortuitously I ran into Colin. After a short assessment and some very simple exercises, Colin explained in lay terms the mechanics of my back problems. A light went on! Our following question and answer period gave me insight and a practical solution as to how I could takeWoman swimming image – Colin Davies Physiotherapy – Vancouver, BC care of my own back pains.

Since then I absolutely feel in control of my back pains. Being human, I slip off the wagon and ignore the exercises but a twinge will send me scurrying to the exercises and all is well once again.

I am a great cynic of magic bullets but this one session with Colin certainly came very close.

I now feel that I have been given the tools and information to maintain a healthy back in my own home without need for expensive mechanical devices. This was after one session. I have not been lured into the many sessions or therapist dependency that I had always thought were the norm.

~ Jim Lavers age 64

‘I left Colin Davies’ office in far less pain…”

After a car accident, I suffered for several years with severe pain that radiated from my shoulder down into my arm and wrist. Since I work at a computer, the misery was something I lived with constantly. My doctor offered no diagnosis but instead wanted to write a prescription. I refused and sought an MRI-which came back inconclusive. Chiropractic treatment did nothing. A referral to a ”specialist" resulted in another offer for pills-this time two prescriptions - one to mask the pain and the second to stop the first drug from destroying my stomach lining. I again refused that offer and became resigned to living with the pain until I found someone that could give a diagnosis.

Eventually I was fortunate enough to meet Colin Davies. During our first appointment he indeed found the cause of my problem. Colin trained me to do some remarkably simple yet effective exercises and I left his office in far less pain. A few follow-up appointments later and I have never had that problem again. Colin's methodology is extremely effective, practical and does not require the hassle of constant office visits as some treatments do.

~ Bryan Holyk
Financial Consultant

‘Thanks Colin, for enabling me to continue with the sport I love…’

I am writing these comments as a satisfied patient of Colin Davies (Physiotherapist) stretching back over many years. In the past, as a Marathon runner, I frequently had occasion to call on Colin to sort out a myriad of problems that arose during Marathon training, always with great success. Never once did I fail to make the start line.

My most recent problem however, came about on the Rugby pitch. I am a Rugby referee of long standing in the Vancouver and Fraser Valley Rugby Referees Society. Even though I am in my sixties, I am still out there every weekend. A month or so ago, I sustained an injury to my right knee, which refused to get better. It is not unusual (for me) to feel sore on a Sunday after a game, and I initially thought this was just a normal morning after. After about four weeks, with little or no improvement, I contacted Colin to have a look at my knee. After an examination, he told me what the problem was and set me up to do a fairly simple exercise, at home, with no special equipment. Very soon, the pain decreased, to the point that I could resume light jogging and then return to more serious running. Over the course of a week, improvement continued. I am now back on the Rugby field and as they say, one happy customer. Thanks Colin for enabling me to continue with the sport I love.

~ W.D.R Thomas
Rugby Referee
Aeronautics and Space Engineer (Ret.)

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